
Twilight is the color of love.


I'm Sorry. I had forgotten the existence of this blog, perfectly...

I uploaded a new song.




たそがれの色は恋の色 powered by PIAPRO

This time, I challenged the new style .. Japanese old-fashioned pop music that called "歌謡曲 (KAYOU-KYOKU)", with georgious orchestra.

Luka V4 in 80s (C)Chii
KAYOU-KYOKU was popular in 1970-80's Japan.
In many cases, Teen idol-singer was singing on a TV show, with full structure orchestral band (called "Full-Band" in Japan).

I loved this style of music. And even now.

This cute and 80's feel illustration is drawn by Chii -san ("0108 -OTOYA-").
And, Drums was played by my buddy, Pandacchi.
Thank you.

Please, check it!
